Wednesday, July 25, 2012

lightworker meaning

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Lightworkers & Lightworking

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Lightworkers Lightworkings

LIGHTWORKERS - also known as 'Star Seeds', 'Earth Angels', 'Indigo's' amongst others ...
As spiritual beings in a human existence, we each have a ‘purpose’ or mission to complete in our life. It is the reason we incarnated on the Earth plane.
As Lightworkers we specifically volunteered to be here during the most crucial of Earth’s times before and after the year 2000, in a concerted effort to spread our loving energies in order to dissipate destructive and negative mass consciousness. Many Lightworkers are on the Earth plane at this time with the specific purpose of using our knowledge of healing to teach, counsel, write, heal and enlighten others.
As Lightworkers our most vital contributions to the planet Earth and its inhabitants are done on a mental and spiritual plane. Consequently, if a Lightworker frets over a world problem or issue and becomes frustrated because of a feeling of being unable to contribute positively through ‘bodily’ efforts, those thoughts and feelings thwart their healing abilities. The fretting adds fuel to the mass world consciousness of fear.
In the case of terrorists, rapists and murderers, criminals, rather than succumbing to human feelings of fear, disgust, rejection and hate, a Lightworker must focus and send love, light and healing to the perpetrator. To feel and send negative energies only fosters and grows more negatively, feeding the fear mentally.
As Lightworkers we are apt encounter resistance from people who fear or misunderstand our motives. We must not react to their fears with anything but love and light, otherwise we give power and reality to fear.
Lightworkers are able to manifest and heal anything … if they hold the essence of Love.
Every instance in which you have experienced pain can serve as our ‘teacher’ helping us to learn, grow and find ways to live in peaceful happiness. Our hard-won lessons while here on Earth are also valuable in our roles as ‘Lightworkers’. Because we have experienced pain, we are able to feel compassion for those who become our clients, students, friends and associates.
As Lightworkers, our mission depends upon our learning how to stay centered in our higher-self’s love. Our promise to help the world obligates us to give our ego a restraining order and to choose thoughts of love instead of thoughts of guilt and fear. We must be willing to let go of our petty ego-based concerns so that we can focus our entire mind on our tasks.
As a Lightworker you were born to perform healing functions. Some Lightworkers will be attracted to and involved in emotional healing, physical healing, research, teaching, writing, the arts, counseling and the like.
Lightworkers who are called to do spiritual healing will be working in the true-self world - therefore, our focus is not so much on actions, or doing treatments as such. Our job is to help others change from ‘ego’ to ‘true-self’. Lightworkers are also able to call upon angels and holy masters to evoke healing.
Your inner-guide will lead you to the place and healing modality or role where you belong. You will know whether you are supposed to get training or educational preparation/certification. If you are, then your inner-guide will lead you to the right teacher, course or school. Your guides and the Universe will help you to afford the necessary course and lesson fees.
In time, the people who will be your clients and students will be led to you through their own inner-guides.
Don’t worry about how you will learn to do your lightworking function -
just trust that you will.
Each Lightworker receives their own unique assignments in regards to how to help in the healing of the world. Lightworkers may be called upon to do healing work on either the ‘ego plane’ of energy and matter, or the true-self’s spiritual plane. In energy healing work, you use your natural psychic attunement abilities to see and feel your client’s energy centers. Your energy work may also incorporate psychic healing in which you tune into your client’s emotions and thoughts that are creating ‘problems’. Energy work also includes mediumship which involves working with the energy fields of deceased people who may be affecting others.
A lightworker’s purpose in conducting psychic readings is different from the image of a parlour-style fortune-teller. Lightworkers are here to fulfill healing functions. Psychic abilities and communication help to hear, see, feel and/or know the source of someone’s emotional and/or physical distress, enabling one to offer and give the relevant healing/s.
It is important to take deep breaths, as his is how the spirit world transmits information to us.
It is very important to watch your thoughts about other people. All spiritual texts emphasize that the way we think about others instantly affects the way we think about ourselves. How you think and treat another is how you think of yourself. Therefore, consciously work at looking and treating others with the same sort of respect that you wish to feel towards yourself.
Prayers’ power to heal has been widely documented and there is a great deal of scientific evidence and medical research about prayers remarkable curative powers. While one person’s prayers alone can heal any condition, there is a lot of evidence that group prayers effect remarkable healings.
One singular prayer is like one light beam, whereas when we join our single prayer with that of others with the same intent, our prayers combine to shine a much brighter light.