Tuesday, May 8, 2012

another numerical meaning

Intuitive Journal
Intuitive Solutions for Healing Emotional Wounds and Clearing Energetic Baggage
Spiritual Meaning of 444
by Laura Warnke on September 3, 2010
Do you see the repeating number 444? Find out what the number means and how you can use it to help you in your day to day life. I have written before about other repeating numbers like 11:11 and 222 in case you are seeing those numbers as well.
The spiritual meaning of 444 is one of many repeating numbers designed to get your attention and serve as a wake up call from your spiritual guides.
444 is a very powerful number. It means that your angels are by your side and want the very best for you. They are asking that you pay attention very carefully to the signs that you see around you.
This may come in the form of a music song on the radio, an Earth angel saying a specific phrase to you at just the right moment, or seeing certain numbers or words on a license plate or road sign.
The angels will use whatever way you prefer to get your attention. They ask that you just tell them which manner of communication works better for you. It may also be seeing certain animals such as a rabbit or a bird repeatedly, such as a cardinal to acknowledge that you are indeed heard by the angels and they are giving you guidance in your everyday life through your thoughts and daydreams.
444 itself refers to an angelic presence surrounding you and taking comfort in the protection afforded you from the angels. Your angels are always near you, all you have to do is reach out to them with a thought, a thank you, or a wish or a prayer. No message goes unheard. You just may not get the answer in the form you expect.
444 also refers to movement into the 4th dimension. You can read more about that here.
Each number has its own frequency, and as you understand more about the main numbers, your guides and angels will start to show you other repeating number patterns that have more specific meanings to your day to day activities and immediate thoughts.
To me personally when I see 444, it feels like the angels have my back and are there, present, protecting you, either from danger or from your own fearful thoughts. It is quite comforting.
I would love to hear your thoughts! I invite you to leave a comment below.

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Tagged as: 11:11 & Repeating Numbers, Spirituality
About Laura Warnke

I am the creator of Intuitive Journal and love writing about energetic healing, psychic abilities, spirit guides, angels and anything related, as it is my life's work as a healer.
Many people that find meaning in repeating numbers also find that they are at a stuck point in their lives, unsure of where to go next in their careers, relationships, and other life areas.
I provide intuitive readings designed to give you insight into your soul's gifts and purpose for this lifetime, along with life lessons and message from your spirit guides. For more details on an Akashic record reading and clearing, click here.
{ 195 comments… read them below or add one }
 Julie Van Ness October 2, 2010 at 5:34 pm
Is there a specific meaning of 444 when a person is born at 4:44pm? Would it affect the whole lifetime or only the time of the birth?
 Laura October 3, 2010 at 9:47 am
Hi Julie,
Thanks for stopping by and very nice to meet you! I am going to go out on a limb here as I don’t know if there is really one right answer. My thoughts say that seeing it may have been more as angelic reassurance for the mother of the person being born. Perhaps a sign from the angels that they were there surrounding and comforting the mother.
 Lyn October 6, 2010 at 8:44 am
I have had numerous “encounters” as I call them, of close loved ones who have passed in the past 5 years. These encounters come in the form of a brief picture and / or 1 or 2 random words coming “into my thoughts”. Again, these are totally random words that I normally wouldn’t think of at the time it happens and then I do ask relatives if they can help me to understand what the words mean. I am finally beyond worrying what anyone else thinks (such as I am a looney !). I only have a few close friends who understand and was very excited to find your website. My true question is that for the past 3 years I have been noticing 444 in so MANY places and times. I have taken this to a reassurance that I am not alone, and to not be afraid. Through my interior redesign business, I have also have had 5 different women clients come into my world (not through my efforts) with the same first name – just different spellings. One of my friends suggested that the name is the name of my spirit guide. I would appreciate any assistance you can give me to understand these situations.
 Laura October 6, 2010 at 10:19 am
Hi Lyn,
Thank you for sharing your experiences! It is 11:11 am as I am starting to write this reply.  I would definitely agree with your friend about the name coincidence. It is quite possible it is the name of either your primary spirit guide or a special assignment guide that has come into your life recently. I would definitely encourage you to explore this further by connecting to your guides. Ask them what it means and listen for their answer. Here is an article I wrote earlier that can be a starting point for you: http://www.intuitivejournal.com/connect-with-spirit-guides/. You may also want to check out some of the posts on automatic writing here.
 Lyn October 6, 2010 at 8:45 am
ok, I JUST noticed the time this was submitted. 
 Sue October 6, 2010 at 7:39 pm
Hi…the 444 and repeating numbers have been happening for about the last 15 years in my life. I started to notice it after my Mom passed. I was going through a really difficult time as not only was I dealing with her passing, but I was going through a divorce. It was happening so often especially waking up out of a solid sleep right at 4:44 am several nights and seeing multiples on other digital clocks. It was so consistent that I started to research it and discovered the meaning as you stated was angelic presence for the 444. It all made sense then especially because of the high anxiety I was experiencing at the time. It seems as if when everything is going smoothly it doesn’t show up as often but once a crisis arrives, they let me know right away they are there for me. I have been on a spiritual path of learning and discovery for quite awhile even before this and daily meditating definitely helps keep the lines of communication open. The reason I am sharing this is I had a 444 experience this morning. I have been going through a rough patch recently where I have felt alone and out of sorts. The other night I asked out loud to my angels “I know you are there, but I really need a 444 sign or something just to give me a little comfort and to reassure me you are close by…I really need you guys to close ranks around me right now so I can get through this…are you guys there?”..no joke, I really said that out loud. The next day I didn’t notice anything and I kind of forgot about it. Around 11 pm last night a send a text message to a friend of mine (who I have a very strong psychic connection with) asking him some random question. He didn’t respond right away so I just went to bed. When I got up this morning at 6 am I picked up my cell phone and noticed I had a text message back from him….it said one word “Yes” and the time stamp on the text message was 4:44 am. Your angels are always waiting to help you…all you need to do is ask and they love to let you know that they are there. You just need to be open to how they will present themselves. In this case they went through my friend. I think too often people think that there is going to be some monumentous sign…like you will look out your front window and a bush will be on fire…but their communication is very subtle sometimes so you have to pay attention and not brush it off as a coincidence. I loved your article, thanks for writing and sharing it with us.
 Laura October 6, 2010 at 10:05 pm
Hi Sue,
“I had a text message back from him….it said one word “Yes” and the time stamp on the text message was 4:44 am.”
Your post sent shivers up my spine! Thank you for sharing your story! Yes, your angels are definitely there for you. You are correct that sometimes we expect a huge entrance from our angels and instead we end up missing the simple hello.
 tina November 15, 2010 at 12:16 am
my momma passed away at 4:44pm at that very time of her death the sky got bright and rain fell all once and hours later when they came to take her body and we carried her out of the house my sister covered her face an we said our final good bye’s we looked up an there was not a cloud in the sky but a strait rainbow going right up to haven i think it was her letting us know she made it to heaven and was now walking with the angels, since then friends and family have been getting woken up at 4:44am, i myself get woken up by her at least 2 to 4 times a week.
 Laura November 15, 2010 at 6:47 am
Tina, thank you for sharing your story! It definitely sounds like your momma is trying to comfort you and letting you know she is safe.
 zubair July 13, 2011 at 11:43 pm
Dear Sue, I BELIEVE that this has been an indiciation to you to get on the path to your ORIGIN. Consider yourself among the most fortunate since you’re getting reminders to get on the RIGHT path unlike most who believe the physical part of ouselves is truth.
I’ll be more than happy to assist you in this regard, if you would like since I have found the “WAY” back to the “ORIGIN” which is path for everyone regardless of religions, beliefs, etc.
 Bertram January 25, 2012 at 4:45 am
hi, i see the 444 a lot, almost daily, and i believe it to be a sign of the end of this world and that angels are watching over the chosen ones. 4+4+4=12 and we are now in 2012. I asked God on many occasions to end the misery and suffering that humans have created on this planet. a few months ago i also had a dream wherein a shining being, adorned in gold told me that it is not time yet for the world to end, as there are still a few good people on this planet. my gut tells me that the being is a messenger(angel) from God. in my dream the being communicated with me via telepathy. I was not scared during the dream, more at peace, and no emotion while receiving the message, it felt like feedback. i believe it was a real message.
I am a person who seeks daily to have communication with God, and have being blessed with deep insight into the human condition, so that people around me thinks i am crazy. my worldly friends have turned their backs on me, because of my insights and the fact that they are not ready for the truth, as the pleasures of the world is of more importance to them. who am i to complain though, as it is stated in the bible that this will occur once you start walking the “right path”.
Zubair, I am interested in hearing from you regarding “WAY” back to the “ORIGIN”. please email me @ bertramd1 at hotmail.com.
 Laura January 25, 2012 at 1:31 pm
Hi Bertram,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is nice to meet you.
What a great dream you had. It definitely sounds like you received a message that you needed to hear at the time.
 Lyn October 7, 2010 at 2:26 pm
Laura – thank you so much for your comments.
Sue – thank you for sharing your story….my experience was very similar, as my Mom had just passed and I was experiencing angst as the mother of a beautiful teen daughter! It truly puts my mind at ease to be validated that I am on the right path of my spiritual journey!
 Niki October 31, 2010 at 9:47 am
For the past several years since I had my triplets who are now 7 I have repeatedly seen the number 444 and have always taken it to mean something positive. For a while I thought it meant that I would have a fourth child but now I realize it means I’m on the right track. For example, yesterday I took my three boys for a long bike ride on a local trail. This was the very first time we had done this together, the weather was beautiful and we all had a lot of fun. When we got back I check my bike odometer to see the distance we had travelled and it read 4.444 miles. I was stunned but felt elated to see it. I took it to be a message that I was doing something right.
Sometimes I can go for weeks without seeing it and then I will see it a lot. Sometimes when I happen to look at the clock at 9:11am which also happens fairly frequently, I take as a sign to be careful that day!
Just wanted to share my thoughts. It has never occured to me to look into the meaning of this until yesterday when I saw the 4.444 miles. I was finally convinced that this is happening for a reason.
Have a great day,
 Laura October 31, 2010 at 11:33 am
Hi Niki,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think your angels went along with you for that bike ride! What a nice confirmation that your angels are traveling with you. Getting out and reconnecting with nature can also help you connect with your angels. I also agree on seeing 9:11, which I see every so often, that it is a sign to be a bit more careful that day.
 Lindsay November 5, 2010 at 3:38 pm
Hey Laura,
I had a dream last night about someone I just met. And in the dream, she was looking at a sentence that contained the number “four” in it 3 times. She looked up at me and said “this is my kind of thing!” in a happy sort of way.
I should probably mention this is someone I met and am considering dating. I can’t figure out if the 444 in the dream is a good or a bad thing. I’ve read conflicting this on the Internet and now I’m not sure! My own intuition, I’m afraid, is too muddled with feelings on this one.
 Laura November 5, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Hi Lindsay! Okay, too funny. I was reading your comment and looked down at the computer clock, and guess what time it was? Yep, 4:44 pm!
I would take it as a good sign that the relationship is something to pursue and see where it takes you. Perhaps she sees the repeating numbers as well?
 Lori November 16, 2010 at 3:52 pm
I am going through a very rough, sad time in my life. I feel very strange. Everything seems to be changing, shifting and I feel like I have no choice but to go along with the ride. I see 444 every day. Would this be my angels reassuring presence or the 4th dimension? What is your opinion, Laura?
Love your Blog! Thanks! 
 Laura November 16, 2010 at 9:30 pm
Hi Lori,
Thanks for stopping by! My thinking is that your angels want you to know they are beside you during this time in your life. May there be brighter days ahead for you.
 Donna November 19, 2010 at 4:47 pm
Many times during the week I will see the numbers, 825, which is the date of my birth, August 25th. What does this mean?
 Laura November 19, 2010 at 10:10 pm
Hi Donna,
According to the book Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue, the meaning of the number 825 is this “As you go through changes in your finances and career, your optimism is more important than ever. Keep the faith that all your financial needs will be met, now and in the future.”
Does this resonate with you?
The book is available from Amazon.
 Love November 20, 2010 at 6:59 am
For the past (maybe) 4 months( I’m really not certain), it has been happening pretty frequently that when I just so happen to look at the clock it will say 222, 333, 444, and sometimes 555, but not any of the other numbers.
Now I’m wondering should I start writing the sequence in which I see the numbers and how far apart they are or should i just apply the message of the number to the day and whatever I’m dealing with that day, idk, but one thing is sure, I just had a weeping ceremony with myself and I went into the other room and came back and picked up my phone and saw the number 444 on my cell phone.
Not really sure how to understand that but I’m certain that it means something if someone can help me understand please do so jukebox79 @ live.com. Thanks!
 Laura November 20, 2010 at 8:34 am
Hi Love,
I do believe in the case of seeing it on your cell phone, it was a matter of the angels wanting to reassure you that they were with you, during a sad time.
I would concentrate on the thoughts you were having right before you saw the repeating numbers, rather than the timing or order of them. Do keep a journal, it will help make a bit more sense of things for you.
 adithya December 21, 2010 at 12:01 am
Hi Laura,
This phenomenon of consecutively noticing 111 to 555 has been occurring since the past 4 months but at a more frequent rate in the past month. I am not the spiritual type but i’ve tried searching for a reason for this having to occur but had no luck. I have had a rough couple of months thats passed but this month has been particularly eventful in my life. Could you please help me to understand the continuous repetition of these numbers?
 Laura December 21, 2010 at 11:38 am
Hi Adithya,
To me, seeing the repeating numbers has a slightly different meaning for everyone. I encourage you to pay attention to what you were thinking about right before you saw 111. To me it is a confirmation that my thoughts are correct and aligned with my highest path and purpose. Seeing 555 to me indicates a change ahead. Note, these are only my thoughts on the numbers and you may draw different conclusions depending on your circumstances. You might want to start writing down when you see each of the numbers, especially when you see them repeated three different times or more each within a day. I wish you the best on your journey.
Thanks for your comment!
 silvia January 7, 2011 at 1:08 pm
Hi- this is very reassuring to see that 444 is a positive sign. I always thought it was negative because I was using this as my number guide: http://www.spiritual-path.com/numerology.htm
which basically stated that 444 is No from spirit; that they are disagreement with your thoughts & intentions. Again, relieved it’s actually a positive sign. Thank you!
 Laura January 7, 2011 at 3:10 pm
Hi Silvia,
I have read that page before also. It just didn’t resonate with me for that particular number, but it does for the person that wrote that page. It means what you decide it means to you personally, so it can be a different meaning for each person. To me when I see 444 I see it as a positive sign.
 mc January 11, 2011 at 3:02 pm
I got a tattoo of 4:44 i see it so much.
 Megan January 14, 2011 at 11:43 pm
I look at the clock every single day at 4:44pm. I am not one who constantly checks the time so I find it sort of significant that I do this every single day. Any thoughts on the matter?
 Laura January 15, 2011 at 8:02 am
Hi Megan,
If this is the only number you see, I wonder if your guides are not trying to see how receptive you are to communicating with them in this manner. I wouldn’t be surprised if you begin to see other repeating numbers soon.

1 comment:

  1. I have been seeing 444 on digital clocks at least 5 days a week for the last decade. I guess it was about time I looked into it. Nice to know I am "special".
